Making money online? Working from home? Working for yourself? Blah blah blah.
All sounds like a bunch of TikTok shenanigans & scams – right?
While there ARE a lot of wild pipe dreams & promises on the web, we’re going to walk through the actual step by step progression of HOW you can make money online….with the skills you already have – or with a new digital skill that you are willing to learn.
[P.S. If you are more of a visual learner, we’d recommend tuning in HERE to watch a Pop-Up Class which covers similar content as this blog. If you love to read, carry on.]
The first step in this entire “online” journey is actually identifying WHAT kind of skills you can offer in the online space to actually get paid from home. [Open this for your next read for a FULL article on this.]
To make things easy, I’m going to list off a few examples of what these skills may be:
These ^ are all skills that you can offer totally remote, from home, in your slippers, and with wifi connection. As a freelancer, it’s VERY common to use platforms such as Fiverr or Upwork to connect with potential clients on an open marketplace. [This means that potential clients will post jobs & freelancers will be able to submit proposals for these jobs.]
Freelancing is most often an hourly opportunity where you are charging a specific rate per hour for the work that you are doing. See the above as some examples of what these services pay per hour. [Also note, most people looking to hire someone as a freelancer is NOT looking to hire someone full-time. Most clients are looking for part-time help…between 5-10 hours a week…which means you can work with a variety of clients at the same time.]
Real Life Example: If you are a Project Manager working in a corporate job right now…you could make an Upwork profile…apply for jobs…and start working as a freelance Project Manager for any clients that are on the Upwork platform. These jobs would likely pay between $30 – $75/hr for your services.
Now, if you ALREADY have any of these skills – you can immediately join a freelancing platforms, apply for jobs, and start working with clients ASAP.
the blog